Friday, January 24, 2014

Human Trafficking {Part 3}: The Hope

For the most part, human trafficking is a depressing subject. Women of all ages are forced to live a life of bondage and prostitution and are denied their identity and freedom. That's the reality. Very few victims are rescued and given a chance at a new life. Like I stated earlier, less than one percent of human trafficking cases in America are solved. There are not a whole ton of success stories that come to mind when this topic is mentioned.

BUT, there is hope. Victims truly are set free and rescued. By the power of Jesus Christ, there is hope. The story can end victoriously.

"Do not remember the former things,
Nor consider the things of old.
Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert."
{Isaiah 43:18-19 // NIV}

Earlier this month when I was praying against human trafficking and all the dirty business that surrounds it, I came across this verse. And it was powerful. I knew it was how I needed to be praying for these women in captivity. I am believing in more rescue stories. I am trusting in a God who is fully capable of using His servants to bring justice to victims. This is possible. This is a hopeful story, I just know it.

He alone can bring healing from physical and emotional wounds. Jesus can do a new thing in these innocent children and young adults. Redemption is possible and we better be believin' it.

So while human trafficking is mostly a heavy topic to discuss or learn about, remember there is hope. Remember there are rescued victims and there will be more. Our God is a powerful God and through Him all things are possible. Declare victory and freedom in His Name! Pray in the affirmative for slaves. Be confident in the spirit there is healing. There is HOPE.

And just because I love the picture painted in this dance...

Be encouraged. Pray for those who are enslaved - for victory, for freedom, for justice, and for HOPE.

Looking for more on the fight against human trafficking? The following organizations are dedicated to put an end to modern day slavery, whether it be through rescue, rehabilitation, prevention, or employment for trafficked women and those at risk. Find a way to help and bring hope to someone's story. Buy a bag. Wear a t-shirt. Tell a friends. Anything you can to support these missionaries and do your part to end slavery. Check it out!

Rescue Her {}

Love146 {}
Breaking Free {}
Hello Somebody {}
Slavery No More {}
My Refuge House {}
International Princess Project {}

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