It's a cloudy day.
It's a coffee day.
It's a Bible study date day.
It's a Pinterest project day.
It's a restful day.
It's a blogging day.
Oh happy day. :)
This morning, I met my (adopted) aunt at Starbucks for our new, exciting study through the book Preparing To Be A Help Meet by Debi Pearl. (I highly recommend it, especially for single and dating women.) Today we discussed chapter two which brings up the topic of stubbornness. Oh dear. To prepare for this week, I searched the word stubborn on Google. defined it as, "fixed or set in purpose or opinion; resolute." Collins English Dictionary defined it as, "refusing to comply, agree or give in; obstinate. Difficult to handle, treat, or overcome. Persistant and dogged." Wowza. Something clicked in my head and I realized this:
I've totally been stubborn with the Lord before.
When I didn't want to surrender, commit my plans to Him, or do things His way, I was a stubborn girl. I knew that I went through periods when I struggled with letting go and letting God take the lead, but I never really connected the dots that I was clearly demonstrating a stubborn attitude. In Preparing To Be A Help Meet, Pearl states, "Stubbornness can wreck your life" (26). To me, stubbornness sounds like:
I have my own plan.
I want to be in control.
Lord, it's okay; I can handle it.
Oh how this does indeed wreck your life.
During our discussion while sipping our morning coffee, Auntie Kim brought up that she studied the word stubborn on Blue Letter Bible. The Hebrew word for stubborn (סָרַר) is used in the Bible to describe Israel's rebellion and unfaithfulness to God. Hosea 4:16 says, "For Israel slideth back (סָרַר) as a backsliding (סָרַר) heifer." {KJV} Being stubborn is like a rebellious cow?!
The super cool thing about this topic is its timing. Yesterday, I just began day one of the She Reads Truth study through the book of Hosea, which means for the next sixteen days I will be reading and studying all about how my stubborn actions relate to an adulterous woman AND how the Lord continues to love me through it all. Just thought that was kinda awesome! Don't you just love when the Holy Spirit works like that?! Woo, this is gonna be good. :)
I encourage you to search your heart to see if you find any stubborn qualities in yourself. I know I can! Also, if you want to jump on board with me and hundreds of other women to study the book of Hosea, sign up here! You're only one day behind; I just know you can catch up and take the challenge. DO IT!
Thank you, Auntie Kim.
Thank you, #SheReadsTruth.
Thank you, Thursday.
Thank You, Jesus.