Friday, February 13, 2015

Human Trafficking // What We Can Do To End Slavery

Human trafficking is a form of modern day slavery that consists of the buying and selling of people against their will for sex or labor purposes. There are an estimated 35.8 million people currently enslaved around the world[1]. It is a $32 billion per year industry and is the second largest criminal business, following drugs[2]. Each year in America, 200,000 women are forced into the sex trade and 14,500 to 17,500 people are trafficked into the states annually. As of 2009, less than one percent of trafficking cases were solved each year in our country[3].

Nothing like starting off the day with some horrifying stats, eh?

I'm not here to depress you with wretched stories and filthy numbers. Today, I'm here to tell you how you can make a difference. Obviously, this problem seems completely overwhelming. It's easy to find yourself suffocating under the weight of the issue. I remember sometimes being so frustrated because I knew exactly what was going on, but I felt defeated because I didn't know what to do. My options were to break down brothels in Southeast Asiashut down cocoa plantations in West Africabecome paralyzed with discouragement, or pray for opportunities. So, I prayed. I asked the Lord to show me ways I could make a difference and rescue His sons and daughters. Because of His great faithfulness, He showed me how small things can really make a big difference. It wasn't some overnight divine revelation. Slowly but surely, He revealed to me ways I can actually be a part of ending this thing we call human trafficking. Praise Him.

For those of you who are feeling this pressing need to do something, welcome. The Bible says the Spirit of God is upon you to heal the brokenhearted and set captives free {Isaiah 61}. This very longing to seek and declare justice is directly from the Lord. Praise God for that. 

The way I see it, ending human trafficking is, at its very simplest, a three-fold process: prevention, rescue, and recovery. I would like to simply throw out some information and ideas I've adopted as a lifestyle that I believe makes a difference in those areas. Here are a few ways you can end modern day slavery.

1. Prevention: Educate & Purchase

To those who have researched human trafficking inside and out to the point that it makes you sick, I know it sounds crazy for me to tell you to continue to educate yourself when that's all you've done. But here's the thing, this form of slavery is still evolving. It's changing quicker than we can catch up with it. In order to be a part of the change, we must know what it is we are fighting for. So, do some reading. Watch a few documentaries. Talk with a friend. There are many great resources out here and with information at our fingertips, we can easily share facts with others, which is a huge part of prevention. Knowledge is power, my friends.

Another aspect of prevention I would like to shed light is the power of your purchase. Our money speaks louder than our words most of the time, so here are a couple really simple, but extremely effective, way of putting a voice behind our cash. Fair Trade is a global labeling initiative that seeks to insure fair wages and safe working conditions for employees while also avoiding child labor. When it comes to chocolate, coffee, and tea, you'll see a seal on the package that says, "Fair Trade Certified." This may seem small, but it is a huge deal! Also, I want to bring your attention to a fantastic website called Free 2 Work. What this site shows you is a letter grade of major companies, such as for apparel, coffee, toys, etc., of how well the companies do in making a conscious effort to avoid using slave labor in the construction their products. This is a great way to know which brands are selling you goods that are ethically sound, or brands that aren't. But if you want to continue shopping at Forever 21 and See's Candies without a huge lump in your throat, I wouldn't visit the site. You'll be greatly disappointed. Can't say I didn't warn ya.

2. Rescue: Watch & Pray

As far as rescue goes, it's not likely that most of us will be busting corrupt business and breaking chains off of victims with our own hands. That can be extremely frustrating because of the weight of this issue. When you hear about small children being forced to work for nothing, your heart wants justice. But hold on, dear one. God will bring it. There is, however, something important we can do, and that is to keep our eye out for suspicious activity. After doing your research, which I know all of you will do because your such great students {wink wink}, you'll discover that most victims are those who have been sexually abused, living in poverty, in the foster care system, and the list goes on. If you see behavior that matches any of those profiles or characteristics, say something. There might be something serious going on, and it's better to be safe than sorry. Contact the Human Trafficking Hotline {call: 1-888-3737-888 // text: 233733} Know what a victim looks like. Know what a trafficker looks like. Keep your eyes open and stop crime in its tracks.

Another aspect of this issue that I think we underestimate is the power of prayer. Most of the time when people tell me that there's not much I can actually do except pray, I get annoyed. I feel like if I'm "just" praying, I'm still not really doing much. But you guys, prayer is so powerful. Remember in the book of Acts when the church prayed so intensely that Peter was released from prison? THAT is the power of prayer {Acts 12}. Pray for captives to be set free. Pray for those around the world who are doing the hands-on rescuing. This action alone could change so much.

3. Recovery: Support & Empower

Frederick Douglass said, "Verily, the work does not end with the abolition of slavery, but only begins." Something that took me a while to understand is the battle continues for the victim far after they are pulled out of the industry. There is an extensive recovery process, including tons of therapy, education, and basically just relearning how to live life. Something we can do is support safe houses that take in people who have been trafficked. There are houses in Asia and there are even houses in our local county. Another way you can empower those who have been rescued is by purchasing their products. Something that becomes an issue when a victim is pulled out of trafficking is, what will they do for a job? Fortunately, several organizations have jumped on that and taught them how to make earrings, design handbags, and sew clothing...even PJs! {If you don't have a pair of Punjammies, get some NOW.} I have so many bags, pants, and pieces of jewelry from places like this, it's almost embarrassing. BUT, I'm supporting a woman who has been rescued from slavery. I gave her a job so she doesn't have to turn to the streets. It's that amazing?! Giving you permission to shop right here. Take full advantage.

In the smallest nutshell possible, that was an overview of ways we can end human trafficking and why. For those who would rather skip the rambling and jump down to the crash course, this is for you.

˙ Be a voice. Tell someone you know about what's going on.
˙ Host a movie night to watch Nefarious or The Dark Side of Chocolate. {Confession: I've seen neither! On my to-do list}
˙ Make the switch to Fair Trade coffee, tea, and chocolate in your household.
˙ Buy pretty things from ministries aiming to end slavery and support those who are vulnerable {Check out my Links page for tons of places to shop}
˙ Check out Free 2 Work and write letters to the corporations with a poor rating, letting them know that we know what's going on. Speak the truth in love.
˙ Get together with your friends and have a prayer night.
˙ Feeling ambitious? Organize a 5K/10K/Half Marathon to fight human trafficking. {If someone organizes a half marathon, I would totally do it!}
˙ Get in touch with your local county to see what they're doing to end slavery. If they're doing nothing, educate them!
˙ Stay alert, especially at airports, massage parlors, nail salons, etc. Memorize the hotline and call when you see something suspicious.
˙ Have a trunk show party at your home by showcasing items from places like Feeding the Orphans, Sak Saum, or 3 Cords. Then you can drink Fair Trade coffee and eat sweets, too. How fun is that?!
˙ Wear a bracelet or some piece of jewelry that is constantly in view. The idea here is that people may comment on it giving you an instant opportunity to educate others. Also, it reminds you to pray!
˙ Have a fundraiser of some sort and donate the proceeds to a ministry that is currently fighting human trafficking.
˙ Check out Slavery Footprint and take the survey to see how many slaves you have working for you. Not fun, but extremely powerful.
˙ Research local events, such as conferences, that involve getting people together to join the fight. {Shout out to Justice Matters Conference! Y'all have my heart.}
˙ Pray, and come up with some ideas of your own!

Together we can end this thing. Let's do it, yeah?

Have any ideas of your own? Share by dropping a comment below!


  1. "The Global Slavery Index 2014" Retrieved on February 13, 2015,
  2. "Reading Between the (Head)Lines: Human Trafficking in America" Dr. Dale Archer, Psychology Today, April 11, 2013,
  3. Kevin Bales & Ron Soodalter, The Slave Next Door: Human Trafficking and Slavery in America Today (Berkley, CA, University of California Press, 2009).