Beautiful Hinche, Haiti
When I reflect on the past week we spent in this country, my mind goes about a billion ways. Memories flood in. Sorrow, joy, pain, and love hit me simultaneously. The longing to be there again strikes me like lightning. Looking at Facebook pictures over and over bring the widest smile to my face. Pondering on what the Lord showed me, and still is showing me, never ends. Let's face it, I'm a hot mess. But at the same time, I have never felt so close to Jesus. I have never felt so close to being an actual follower of Christ.
One evening while we were in Haiti, our team was sharing about what God has been teaching us over the past few days. Many testified how much closer they felt to the Lord while there, almost in a sense of surprise. Why would God be near when we have lost our comforts? When we are living so simply? When we see devastation each day?
Because that is what it means to truly follow Jesus.
Read the gospels. Read the words of Jesus. Now compare it to the actions of the contemporary American church. There is a huge disconnect, isn't there? Something is missing. Something is not right, and you know it. Now I am not here to bash the church of the good ol' USA. Too many have done that before me. But I will say that it appears as if many Christians in this country have been privileged, to the point of being spoiled, to the point of living too comfortably, to the point of being a disciple only when it is convenient to them. And that is not how Jesus describes His followers. Here is the problem - we are deviating from truth and finding ourselves wrapped in a superficial Christian life of luxury.
Jesus tells us that if we want to follow Him, we must leave everything behind. Cast our nets. Don't bury your father first. Deny yourself. Take up your cross. Seems like quite the challenge, right? Doesn't seem popular or easy to me. But it's so worth it.
Now living a life of surrendered simplicity dedicated to running behind Jesus is great. But where exactly are we following Jesus to? Where is He going that we must go also?
To the broken. The needy. The poor. The captives. The orphans. The widows. The sick. Those who are in desperate need of a Savior.
It is in the ruins of a broken life where we find Him. Reaching out to the least of these, who literally have nothing, is right where He is. He told us so - the Lord is close to the brokenhearted. Once we are obedient to His call and go take care of those shattered hearts and crushed spirits, He whispers to us, "I'm right here. Right where I said I would be. Take care of my people. Feed my lambs."
God has slowly been revealing this to me over a period of time, but I feel like I am finally beginning to wrap my head about genuine discipleship and take action. Being in Haiti showed me even more how all of this is real and true. I am for real growing and stepping closer to Him. And by this I mean I have graduated kindergarten and gone to first grade in the school of being a legit Jesus follower. This is progress, but there is still much more growth to happen in me.
"If you extend your soul to the hungry
And satisfy the afflicted soul,
Then your light shall dawn in the darkness,
And your darkness shall be as the noonday.
The LORD will guide you continually,
And satisfy your soul in drought,
And strengthen your bones;
You shall be like a watered garden,
And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail."
{Isaiah 58:10-11 // NKJV}
Brothers and sisters, that's a promise to us. Looking to be satisfied eternally? Loose your life to follow Jesus to the poor and brokenhearted. He's there. He promises.
Perks of living a missional life. Don't you just want to eat her up?!
So there you have it. Just a slice of what God showed me in Haiti. Can I share more with you? Email me, or better yet talk to me in person! God is doing mighty things. Amen?!
Love you all. Can't thank you enough for your prayers and support.
Heavy influences on this subject are Francis Chan, Katie Davis, and Jen Hatmaker. Thank you guys for being obedient to the Lord, even when it's hard and unpopular.